In reality I’m not a mean girl but sometimes it does feel like we have left the real World and entered “Girl World”, but who doesn’t like a little Mean Girls humor? Somehow, someway, we have all been personally victimized by a Regina George. Growing up, I had my fair share of girls bullying me and calling me names and putting me down. For a long time I didn’t understand why or what I ever did to deserve such hatred…but then I grew up and decided not to give a F#%@!!! It’s the truth, I know now in days the bullying is extreme because of the different factors that play in but we as humans have to learn that it’s not us with the problem, it’s them. Sometimes it is better to just turn the cheek and laugh at it all.
What She’s Wearing
Mean Girls Tee Shirt: Gifted (Similar Here)
Acid Wash Shorts: G Stage (Similar Here)
Neon Yellow Blazer: Forever 21 (Similar Here)
White Cut Out Heels: Lola Shoetique (Similar Here)
Statement Necklace: Forever 21 (Similar Here)

Who says we’re not beautiful because we aren’t a certain size or our image isn’t “attractive”. One of the reasons I was inspired to blog was because I didn’t really see any “thick” woman doing it. I thought it was ridiculous and I had to do something about it and what better way to go through this journey with the person I love (Jesal). Beauty comes in all sizes and colors and not only that, its skin deep.

is NEVER okay! Name calling is NEVER okay! If you have nothing nice to say have
some manners and keep your thoughts to yourself! We are all beautiful in our
own way…never forget that.
Till Next Time,
Till Next Time,
Ah! Love, love, LOVE this post! Definitely my favorite of them all. I'm so glad that you made it past the bullying stage, and you came out the other side a better person. Love you, proud of you, and keep up the outstanding work, doll face.
Thank you soooo much babe, life isn't always easy but def a life learning experience. it was hard for me to post this and i thought the "mean girls" humor made it a little easier for me. I appreciate your continued support.
Just came across your blog, I think ur fab! I love the message on this particular one, I think we've all been victim of a mean girl, but like you said; they're the problem not us. Stay beautiful!
Thank you so much for reading! Love your blog as well!